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These changes are not in a stable release.

You can only get these changes by installing the library from GitHub. This is not recommended in production, as these changes are often not properly battle-tested.

However, if you encounter an issue with these changes, you should open an issue on GitHub so that we can release them sooner!

Potentially breaking changes since the last release

The following changes may be potentially breaking if you use some lower-level features of the library:

  • Attachments have been massively reworked, please check your code to see if there are any intellisense errors, or if you are using any of the removed methods.
  • Argument detection has been massively reworked - while it should be a massive improvement, please check to make sure your arguments are still parsed as expected.
  • The sync store has been completely rewritten - any code previously using helper functions will likely break.
  • Added the sync filter "lazy load members" - should hopefully improve performance in large rooms.
  • Removed temporary lock on niobot.NioBot.process_message, which should allow parallel command execution again.
  • Removed faulty fallback reply parser, it is no-longer needed. Clients should not be sending fallback replies anymore.
  • Overhauled argument parsing
  • *args no longer works - please use list[str] (typing.List[str] on python 3.9) instead.
  • Arguments are no-longer given None (I am not sure what even caused this, but it's fixed now)
  • Greedy arguments are now correctly greedy.
  • Extra arguments passed to commands once again correctly raise an error.
  • Added support for list[TYPE]
  • Added python 3.13 to the CI matrix
  • Updated the pre-commit hooks (they were ANCIENT)
  • Set __license__ in to LGPLv3 (it was previously still GPLv3)
  • Completely overhauled how attachments are handled
  • the monolithic niobot.attachments module has been split into its own package
  • detect_mime_type no-longer requires magic to be installed (but still REALLY prefers it, and will be noisy if it's not)
  • niobot.AudioAttachment is now located in niobot/attachments/
  • niobot.VideoAttachment is now located in niobot/attachments/
  • niobot.ImageAttachment is now located in niobot/attachments/
  • niobot.FileAttachment is now located in niobot/attachments/
  • The extensible niobot.BaseAttachment is now located in niobot/attachments/
  • Added task names to the asyncio background tasks for commands dispatched by the bot using the format: COMMAND_{event.sender}_{room.room_id}_{}_{monotonic_nanoseconds}. This allows you to see what tasks are running by calling asyncio.all_tasks(), and means you can precisely cancel running commands.
  • Fixed [niobot.NioBot.add_event_listener][] not accepting nio.Event types, again.
  • Fixed niobot.NioBot.remove_event_listener not accepting nio.Event types.
  • Added niobot.NioBot.wait_for_event, a generic evolution of niobot.NioBot.wait_for_message.
  • Removed niobot.NioBot._recursively_upload_attachments, attachments should now properly be uploaded by the send_message function.
  • Remove the archaic deprecated behaviour that permitted non-niobot.Parser objects to be used as parsers in commands.
  • As mentioned above, overhauled argument parsing, in the process making [niobot.Argument.autodetect_args][] less complex and more reliable.
  • Fixed repr(ContextualResponse) raising an AttributeError
  • Fixed niobot.ContextualResponse being broken after niobot.ContextualResponse.edit was called.
  • Added NIOBOT_DEPRECATION_ERROR environment variable, which when set, causes deprecation warnings to become errors instead. Intended for CI testing, but useful for local development too.
  • Fixed niobot.NioBot.get_account_data and niobot.NioBot.set_account_data not working (#40)
  • Added process_message_edits argument to niobot.NioBot, enabled by default, which will treat edited messages as new messages when checking for commands (meaning editing a message to invoke a command will invoke that command).
  • Added niobot.SimpleNioBot as a simplified version of niobot.NioBot.
  • Fixed a bug that caused thumbnail bodies to duplicate
  • Removed the storage of left rooms in the sync store (has DRASTICALLY sped up startup times)
  • Duplicate events (compared via event ID and body) are no longer added to the sync store (reducing space taken)
  • Limited the number of timeline events that are stored in the sync store
  • Added SQL indexes for the sync store
  • Limited the sync payload to only include 100 timeline & state events per room
  • Implemented niobot.NioBot.global_command_check to allow for global command checks
  • Added niobot.utils.HTMLTable to help with generating tables in HTML and plaintext
  • Fixed incremental syncs having a hard timeout of 30 seconds, disrespecting the configured timeout
  • Fixed filter uploads on startup not being fatal (later causing an exception)
  • Fixed file uploads not respecting room encryption
  • Fixed command argument detection not working with py 3.10 type syntaxes, and greedy not being detected correctly
  • Removed python 3.9 from the testing matrix (and consequently support)
  • Rewrote the sync store to actually store state rather than just sync payloads


There are a lot of changes in v1.2.0, so in this release you'll see a lot of performance improvements and some fancy new features for you to take advantage of!

Major update

This release has had a lot of changes in it since v1.1.0, so please make sure you test your bot when updating to make sure that everything still works. If you encounter an error you believe is due to broken backwards compatiblity, please open an issue on GitHub so that we can patch it.


  • Allowed command_prefix to be an iterable, converting single-strings into a single-item iterable too.
  • Added beautifulsoup4 as a hard dependency. Backwards compatibility is still kept in case bs4 is not installed.
  • Added support for passing raw nio.Event types to event listeners
  • Added proper support for typing.Optional in automatic argument detection
  • Added support for *args in automatic argument detection
  • Added niobot.utils.Mentions to handle intentional mentions in messages
  • Added Command.can_run(ctx), which runs through and makes sure that all of the command checks pass.
  • Added backwards compatibility support for legacy media endpoints (servers that don't support matrix v1.11 yet). Authenticated media will still be used by default.
  • Python 3.13 is now supported
  • niobot attachment types now support os.PathLike, as well as str, BytesIO, and Pathlib, in case you had some freaky custom path type
  • niobot.NioBot now allows you to pass a static presence (online, unavailable, offline), False to outright disable presence, and None (default) to set it automatically based on the startup stage (recommended for slower connections)
  • You can now, if you needed to for some reason, disable full state sync via sync_full_state=False.
  • Added the reason parameter to niobot.NioBot.join and niobot.NioBot.room_leave as optional strings
  • NioBot's auto-join feature now includes a reason when automatically joining rooms
  • Added force_initial_sync to niobot.NioBot, which will force the bot to sync all rooms before starting the event loop.
  • Added a real sync store (huge optimisation, especially for larger accounts)



  • Removed force_write properly
  • Removed deprecated automatic_markdown_parser option and functionality in NioBot
  • Removed the deprecated name parameter from niobot checks
  • niobot.util.help_command.help_command_callback was removed, in line with deprecation.
  • Removed the password login critical log in favour of simply documenting the dangers of using a password
  • Removed fallback replies in messages (see: MSC2781)
  • Removed the legacy function-based argument parsers in favour of the class-based system

Bug fixes

  • Fix <instance> has no attribute 'mro' error when initialising auto-detected arguments
  • Fixed niocli get-access-token crashing on windows
  • Fixed NioBot throwing a warning about failing key uploads without logging the actual error
  • Fixed niobot.utils.parsers.EventParser raising an error when used
  • Fixed some typing dotted around the client
  • Fixed niobot attachments (Image/Video/Audio) sending null for metadata, which may cause incorrect client behaviours
  • Fix RuntimeError due to concurrent typing in send_message
  • Fixed the versioned docs deployment
  • Overlapping typing events in anything using room_send (e.g. send_message, edit_message) will no-longer throw an error if there is a mid-air collision. Instead, a warning will be logged to the stream, and the operation will be a no-op. This may cause some inconsistencies in the typing indicators sent by nio-bot, however that is preferrable to errors.
  • Fixed niobot.NioBot.join throwing a JSON EOF in some cases
  • Fixed module event handlers, in debug logs, being named as anonymous functions, rather than their true names. This will make debugging issues with your event handlers easier.
  • DM rooms are now removed properly from account data when leaving.
  • Fixed niobot.NioBot.on_event not properly accepting raw nio.Event types
  • Fixed some faulty sync responses triggering commands twice
  • Fixed a bug in the default help command that would display hidden commands regardless.

v1.1.1 (2024-06-26)

  • Heavy CI improvements (2024-05-08 -> 2024-06-15)
  • Deprecated unimplemented force_write parameter in some BaseAttachment (and subclass) methods. (2024-06-15)

v1.1.0.post3 (2024-04-16)

New features

  • Added (and consequently, this page) to documentation. (2024-02-08)
  • NioBot._get_id now tells you what object it couldn't identify in the raised exception. (2024-02-11)
  • NioBot.mount_module now warns you if you define a custom setup() that doesn't update the command or event register. (2024-02-11)

v1.1.0.post2 (2024-02-08)

New features

  • Added auto_read_messages key word argument to NioBot to automatically read messages from rooms. Defaults to True. Disabling this (False) will prevent read reciepts from automatically being sent.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed NioBot.get_dm_rooms raising a 401 Unauthorised error regardless of any state.
  • Fixed NioBot.get_dm_rooms raising a GenericMatrixError whenever there were no DM rooms, instead of gracefully returning an empty object.
  • Fixed NioBot.get_dm_rooms using outdated code from before matrix-nio==0.24.0.

v1.1.0 (2024-01-30)

The license changed in this release.

With release v1.1.0 (specifically commit 421414d), the license for nio-bot was changed from GPLv3 to LGPLv3. In short, this means you do not have to open source your code, and you are able to commercialise your project if you use nio-bot.

This version's changelog includes changes made in its pre-release versions

This changelog includes all changes made since the last stable release, including those made in pre-release versions. If you scroll down, you will see duplicate feature changelogs where the feature was changed in a pre-release version.

New features

  • Added niobot.Context.invoking_prefix.
  • Python 3.12 is now supported.
  • Added niobot.NioBot.is_ready, which is an asyncio.Event.
  • Added command-level checks (@niobot.check)
  • Added sparse DM room support.
  • Added additional exception types, such as GenericMatrixError.
  • Additional type-hinting for the entire library.


  • License changed from GPLv3 to LGPLv3.
  • Improved existing type-hinting.
  • event_id is prioritised over room_id in niobot.NioBot._get_id.
  • niobot was changed to nio-bot (for consistency) throughout documentation and the pip installation guide.

v1.1.0b1.post1 (and v1.1.0b1) (2023-10-16)

New features

  • Added CI testing to the library.
  • Rewrote argument parsers to use a class-based ABC system, rather than a function-based system. See documentation.
  • Added the ignore_self flag to niobot.NioBot, allowing you to choose whether the client will ignore its own messages.
  • Added support for typing.Annotated in commands.

Deprecations & Removals

  • The property niobot.Module.log was fully removed - it was never fully functional and often tripped up users as it was unsettable.
  • The property niobot.Module.client was deprecated - you should use niobot.Module.client instead.

v1.1.0a3 (2023-10-06)


  • Prioritise event_id over room_id for the _get_id function
  • Add Context.invoking_prefix
  • Type hinting and code refactor

v1.1.0a2 (2023-08-21)

New features

  • Backported support to Python 3.9 and Python 3.10.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where disabled commands could crash the command parser.

Documentation changes

  • Replaced niobot with nio-bot for pip install guide.
  • Fixed PyPi link in README.
  • Cleaned up documentation issues.
  • Removed the examples on GitHub (until the package is more stable in terms of design).

v1.1.0a1 (2023-07-31)

New features

  • Added documentation for events.
  • Added niobot.attachments.which function.
  • Added very early DM room support.
  • Added easier ways to customise the help command.
  • Added more specific exception types.
  • Added event_parser and room_parser


  • force_await now just awaits coroutines rather than casting them to a task
  • Command arguments now properly raise the correct errors

v1.0.2 (2023-07-16)

This is an urgent security release - denial of service vulnerability.

This release fixes a vulnerability where a potentially accidentally crafted message payload could cause the bot to completely crash. If you had disabled ignoring old messages, this could cause a crash loop if your bot automatically restarted.

If you cannot update to v1.0.2 from a previous release, you should implement the following workaround:

import niobot

class PatchedClient(niobot.NioBot):
    async def process_message(self, *args):
            await super().process_message(*args)
        except IndexError:  # IndexError is the only error thrown during parsing
            pass  # or print, whatever

# bot = niobot.NioBot(...)
bot = PatchedClient(...)  # use your patched version

New features

  • Added niobot.attachments.get_image_metadata (depends on imagemagick)
  • niocli version now shows the OS and CPU architecture.
  • niobot.attachment.* now always imports all attachment types into the niobot namespace, regardless of installed external dependencies.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed niobot.ImageAttachment being unable to detect image streams.
  • Fixed niobot.BaseAttachment setting incorrect file properties
  • niobot.ImageAttachment no longer explicitly fails upon encountering an unknown format, it simply emits a warning, in line with niobot.VideoAttachment.
  • Fixed an unexpected input causing the entire process to crash.

v1.0.1 (2023-07-12)

  • Added stub for really old pip versions.
  • Updated the README.

v1.0.0 (2023-07-12)

The first stable release! This version has many breaking changes since v0.1.0, and as such is not very backwards compatible.

  • MediaAttachment and Thumbnail were split up into ImageAttachment, VideoAttachment, AudioAttachment, and FileAttachment.
  • Attachments now automatically detect metadata.
  • Thumbnailing was massively improved.
  • Blurhashes are automatically generated for images.
  • Attachments now fully support end-to-end encryption.
  • Attachments will now emit warnings when a non web-safe codec is used.
  • Automatic command parameter parsing, so you no longer have to manually specify Command(arguments=[...]).
  • Automatic help command sanitisation.
  • Added additional requirements.
  • Added the ability to add and remove reactions.
  • Added __repr__ to most objects in the library.
  • Added more helper/utility functions.
  • Added documentation (tada!).
  • Added more customisation options to niobot.NioBot.

You've reached the end! There are no previously documented releases before the big 1.0.0. If you want to expand this list, you can contribute on GitHub! Open issues, or even better, make some pull requests. We love new contributors!